07.15.14 Agenda
PCAN Governance Board
Meeting Agenda
4:00 PM July 15, 2014
OE Gray Library, OE Gray School
155 West Lewis St., Platteville, WI 53818
- Call To Order
- Approval of Meeting Minutes
- 7/1/14 PCAN Governance Board Meeting
- Approval of Bills
- Diggers Hotline $135.72 June/2014 Bill
- Reimbursement for Platteville Area Schools $7,383.70
- Monthly Financial Statement
- PCAN Membership Policy and Rates
- WISCNET Redundancy
- Outage Escalation Process/Contacts
- Broadway Fiber Repair work
- Old Business:
- Tax Exempt Application to IRS
- Requests for Membership
ii. UW-Platteville Foundation
iii. Home Health United
- Distribution of Modified/Updated Bylaws
- Fourth and Sylvia Fiber Repair Update
- Adjourn
Next Meeting: August 5, 2014 @ 4:00 PM OE Gray Library, OE Gray School