07.01.14 Minutes
PCAN Governance Board
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Sue Traxler, Todd Lull, Connie Valenza, Mike Sherer, Jamie McPeek, Larry Bierke
Guest: Dan Dargel, Bill Kloster
Call to order by Chair Traxler at 4:06PM
Approval of meeting minutes:
Motion by Lull, seconded by Sherer to approve the minutes of June 03, 2014 as amended. Motion carried.
Bills & Financial Statement:
Motion by Lull, seconded by Sherer to approve the bill from Diggers Hotline for $169. Motion carried. Bierke did not have an updated Financial Statement prepared for consideration.
Membership Policy and Rates:
Bierke handed out the latest draft proposal. The Board reviewed and modified the proposal. Bierke will make changes and bring new draft to next meeting for consideration.
The Board decided to skip agenda items number 6 and 7 due to time constraints. Membership requests will be further considered once the Membership Policy is completed.
Broadway Street Fiber Repair:
Dan Dargel recalled the quotes he received for replacement of existing fiber on Broadway Street. He recalled a cost of $25,000 to do Mineral Street to Madison Street. Valenza moved, Sherer seconded, to approve up to $15,000 to replace fiber from Mineral Street to the High School with a 96 strand fiber line, provided the PCAN balance sheet covered the expense without an additional assessment to members. Motion carried.
PCAN Website
Bierke asked that another Board member also be responsible for the website password. Traxler volunteered for the responsibility. Bierke will provide it to her before our next meeting.
The remainder of the agenda was skipped due to time constraints.
Sherer moved, Lull seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:32 pm. Motion carried.