4/15/14 Minutes

Posted by on April 15, 2014 in Meeting Minutes | Comments Off on 4/15/14 Minutes

PCAN Governance Board

Meeting Minutes



Connie Valenza, Suzanne Traxler, Larry Bierke, Bill Grutz, and guest Dan Dargel.


Call to order by Chair Traxler at 4:08 PM.


Approval of Meeting Minutes:  Motion by Valenza, seconded by Grutz to approve the minutes of April 1, 2014.  Motion carried.


Approval of Bills:   There were no bills presented for payment.  Valenza reaffirmed that the K-12 and UW-Platteville schools were due reimbursement from PCAN for the locates and Diggers Hotline contracts.  Bierke was instructed to add a note to the financial statement to reflect such and to ensure a statement was included in the minutes.


USIC Agreement for Locates and Diggers Hotline Agreement:  Motion by Grutz, seconded by Bierke to approve the USIC Agreement.  Motion carried.  Grutz noted that the map Dargle created had been submitted to Diggers Hotline.


PCAN Website:  Bierke reported that he spoke to Netux and that a webpage could be created for under $800 and hosted annually for $99.95 per year.  The purchasing of a domain name was also discussed.  Bierke reported that the PCAN names discussed last month would cost just over $1,500.  It was decided to look at other options.  Motion by Bierke, seconded by Grutz to purchase www.plattcan.net  Motion carried.  Motion by Grutz, seconded by Bierke to hire Netux to design and host our website.  Motion carried.


Bierke explained that Sherer was having difficulty finding the updated Bylaws and that he would likely recreate the bylaws and ask for Board approval once again.


We have not heard from the IRS regarding our not-for-profit application.

There were no additional requests to join PCAN.

PCAN Membership Policy:  Bierke did not have time to work on a policy update.


Next Meeting Agenda:  1. WIN Visit  2. Webpage Update  3. Donation of old fiber cable from Gardner Hall to Signal 27  4. Fourth and Sylvia Fiber Repair


Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn by Bierke, seconded by Grutz.  Motion carried at 4:55 PM.