4/1/14 Minutes
PCAN Governance
Meeting Minutes
Todd Lull, Connie Valenza, Mike Sherer, Suzanne Traxler, Larry Bierke, Bill Grutz, and Dan Dargel.
Call to order by Chair Traxler at 4:03 PM.
Approval of Meeting Minutes: It was decided to approve the meeting minutes at the next meeting.
Approval of Bills: Motion was made by Grutz, seconded by Lull to approve the bill of $1,038 to Philadelphia Insurance. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Grutz, seconded by Lull to approve the bill of $901.25 for Ludovissy and Associates Insurance. Motion carried.
USIC Agreement for Locates and Diggers Hotline Agreement: Grutz handed out the Diggers Hotline schedule for charges. Dargel will create a map to provide to Diggers Hotline. Motion to approve the Diggers Hotline Contract including the email feature at $1.74 each, and with lateral coverage by Lull. Motion was seconded by Sherer. Motion carried. Chair Traxler signed triplicate copies. Bierke will work with Dargel to get information form filled out.
Discussion of the USIC Agreement. Bierke noted that he hadn’t time to review the contract. Sherer compared the contract to the Universities contract and will email out the differences. It was decided that the group would review the Agreement and then do an email vote to determine if we move forward in two or three days.
PCAN Membership Policy: Bierke handed out the draft policy. The Governance Committee reviewed and discussed it. It was decided to table the policy until a future meeting.
Bierke will handout updated Bylaws at the next meeting.
We have not heard from the IRS regarding our not-for-profit application.
Website: Creating a PCAN website was discussed. Grutz moved, Sherer seconded to approve Bierke purchasing a pcan.net or pcan.org domain and getting an estimate from Netux to create and host a 5 page website..
Grutz provided Bierke with a copy of the Insurance policy on CD for the records.
Next Meeting Agenda: Website, USIC Contract Update, and Diggers Hotline Contract Update.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Valenza, seconded by Grutz. Motion carried at 4:52 PM.