4/1/14 Agenda
PCAN Governance
Meeting Agenda
4:00 PM April 1, 2014
OE Gray Library, OE Gray School
155 West Lewis St., Platteville, WI 53818
1. Call To Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. 3/4/14 Annual Meeting
b. 3/4/14 PCAN Governance Meeting
3. Approval of Bills
a. Philadelphia Insurance Companies $1,038
b. Ludovissy and Associates Insurance $ 901.25
4. USIC Agreement for Locates
5. PCAN Policy – Membership
6. Distribution of Modified/Updated Bylaws.
7. Old Business:
a. Tax Exempt Application to IRS
b. Requests for Membership
c. Webpage Idea
8. Adjourn
Next Meeting: April 15th 4:00 PM OE Gray Library, OE Gray School