05/20/14 Agenda

Posted by on May 30, 2014 in Meeting Schedule / Agenda | Comments Off on 05/20/14 Agenda

PCAN Governance Board


Meeting Agenda

4:00 PM May 20th, 2014

OE Gray Library, OE Gray School

155 West Lewis St., Platteville, WI 53818


  1. Call To Order
  2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
    1. 5/6/14 PCAN Governance Board Meeting
  3. Approval of Bills
    1. None
  4. Monthly Financial Statement
  5. Wisconsin Innovation Networks (WIN) Proposals
  6. Broadway Fiber Repair work
  7. PCAN Webpage Update
  8. Old Business:
    1. Tax Exempt Application to IRS
    2. Requests for Membership

i.      SWRPC

  1. PCAN Membership Policy
  2. Distribution of Modified/Updated Bylaws
  3. Fourth and Sylvia Fiber Repair Update
  1. Adjourn


Next Meeting:       June 3rd @ 4:00 PM OE Gray Library, OE Gray School