05/20/14 Minutes
PCAN Governance Board
Meeting Minutes
Attending: Sue Traxler, Todd Lull, Connie Valenca, Mike ShererAbsent: Larry Bierke, Jamie McPeekGuest: Dan Dargel, Loren Lamphear (Win)
Call to order by Chair Traxler at 4:04PM
No additions to agenda
Approval of meeting minutes: Connie Valenza motion to approve minutes 5/6/2014, second Todd Lull. Motion carried.
No updates related to budget or billsLoren from WIN (Wisconsin Innovation Networks):Discuss Lancaster to Platteville fiber build that WIN is completing. Larry from City may have interest in using this path.Loren stated that WIN’s goal is to build loops for redundancy. WIN is a whole seller, selling to cell companies and others. Typically medium and larger businesses. WIN would not sell to consumer or small businesses, but does work with MHTC (Mount Horeb Telephone Company). Discussion about existing fiber and PCAN history by Dargel.
Discussion about MOU with WIN. Dargel: May want to have explicit ownership of strands listed in MOU. Win can provide ways to save money on locates and service restoration.
Process and Procedure – can manage restoration. Pat Christensen at Muffin (Madison CAN) has an agreement related to Muffin doing locates and WIN doing repairs. Loren is available to come back to address city needs at a future date.
Broadway Fiber Repair Work – No Update
PCAN Webpage Update – No Update
PCAN Membership – No Updates
Modified/Updated Bylaws – Updated and working
Fourth and Sylvia Fiber Repair Update – Do we need to keep aquatic center online? Move forward with fix for Fourth and Sylvia. Hospital will cover costs, move forward as quickly as possible. Needs to be completed before July due to move to VoIP phones at this time.
Move to Adjourn Connie V., Second, Mike S. at 4:55 PM
Note: Add Rate Schedule and Plan for smaller customers to next agenda.