5/6/14 Agenda
PCAN Governance Board
Meeting Agenda
4:00 PM May 6th, 2014
OE Gray Library, OE Gray School
155 West Lewis St., Platteville, WI 53818
1. Call To Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. 3/4/14 Annual Meeting
b. 3/4/14 PCAN Governance Board Meeting
c. 4/15/14 PCAN Governance Board Meeting
3. Approval of Bills
a. Reimburse Bierke $44.95 for website domain
4. Monthly Financial Statement
5. Wisconsin Independent Network (WIN)
6. PCAN Webpage Update
7. PCAN Logo Ideas
8. Donation of old fiber cables from Gardner Hall to Signal 27
9. Fourth and Sylvia Fiber Repair Update
10. Old Business:
a. Tax Exempt Application to IRS
b. Requests for Membership
c. PCAN Membership Policy
d. Distribution of Modified/Updated Bylaws
11. Adjourn
Next Meeting: May 20th @ 4:00 PM OE Gray Library, OE Gray School